March 22 to March 24

The cloud formations were interesting on 3/22 as dawn broke.
We had a Moroccan-themed dinner that evening. It was supposed to be served family-style, but there is a bout of traveller's diarrhea going about the ship right now (luckily we were away on the Namibia overland when it started after leaving Cape Town). Instead, they served the food individually. It was delicious with 6 courses, although we only remembered to take a picture of the dessert.
First course - Artichoke Labneh
Second course - Harria (Chickpea Soup)
Third course - Masfioui Spiced Red Snapper
Fourth course - Orange Blossom Granita
5th course - Moroccan Salads and Tagines
6th course - Milk Cream Pastilla (pictured)

We crossed the equator on March 24. This was a very special crossing because we crossed the prime meridian at the same time so we were at 0° latitude and 0° longitude. The captain was super excited because it was so rare to be at this point.
That night we had an African-themed dinner. The chef is from South Africa, so it was her area of expertise. Our appetizer was "jollof" from Nigeria (spiced rice, peppers, chicken and shrimp). The soup was "koshari" from Egypt (a spicy lentil soup), the fish course was "waakye" from Ghana (barramundi wrapped in a banana leaf with fried bananas and a brown butter sauce). The palate cleanser was "embe" from Swaziland (mango sorbe with green chili sherbet). The main course was "bunny chow" from South Africa (a beef curry served in a "pot brood" or bread bowl -- see picture). Dessert was "baseema" from Sudan (yogurt and coconut cake soaked in lime syrup with coconut ice cream - also pictured).
