March 21, 2023

We began our tour of Luanda with a visit to the San Miguel Fort. This was the first fort built in Angola.
Although it was built by the Portuguese and remains in excellent condition, it is now also the Central Museum of the Army. It displays many artifacts reminding Angolans of their war for independence which they won in 1975, as well as their battles with South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s. They display the weapons used in the war such as tanks, cannons, and airplanes throughout the fort.
There were also many statues to honor important men and women in the battles, including a bust of Agostinho Neto who became their first president and older, large statues of Portugal's first king and famous Portuguese explorers.
There were beautiful view from atop the fortress, as well as some quirky sculptures scattered throughout.
We saw beautiful panels of blue and white ceramic tiles telling the story of Angola's early history, as well as those featuring African animals.
Our last stop in the fort was the military museum. It honored the soldiers who fought for independence and to support Angola since becoming an independent country.
After the fortress, we went to the Agostinho Neto Memorial. Before becoming Angola's first president, he was an accomplished poet and a doctor. He was also outspoken about his desire for independence from Portugal. He was arrested, spent time in prison and then when under house arrest fled to Morocco. While in Morocco he joined and later became the leader of a revolutionary group fighting to free Angola. This memorial also holds his casket (no pictures were allowed in that area). The circular halls are filled with art.
Luanda is currently in a great period of growth. It is the most expensive city in the world. New and modern buildings rise up in the city alongside the historical buildings.
Two important government buildings in Angola occupy beautiful pink colonial buildings from the time of Portugal's rule. One is the National Bank of Angola.

and the other is the National Assembly which has a role similar to our Congress.
As we drove through Angola to the boat for the ride to Mussolo Island, we saw Angolans going about their day. Children were getting out of school, people were shopping and businessmen and women were selling their wares.
The boat ride to Mussulo Island was brief but rainy and windy. It started raining shortly before we got on the boat and stopped before we reached the island. By the time we were on the island, the sun was shining again.

We relaxed on the beach and then had a delicious lunch with fresh lobster and traditional Angolan dishes.

When we returned to the ship, we were created by Angolan dancers. Brent joined in and learned some new dance moves.
